Tallow: Tradition and Technique at Saddled & Sappy

Tallow: Tradition and Technique at Saddled & Sappy

Hello from the heart of Oregon— in a quaint town with just around 450 residents, where everyone knows each other and the pace of life feels like a step back in time. Here at Saddled & Sappy, one of our cornerstone ingredients is tallow, a substance as rich in history as our tiny homestead is in stories.

What is Tallow?

Tallow is rendered fat from cattle, valued for centuries for its versatility and nourishing properties. In our sustainable practices, we embrace tallow not only for its benefits to the skin but also for its alignment with our goals of waste reduction and utilizing locally sourced materials.

Why We Use Tallow

Our tallow comes exclusively from grass-fed cattle, either from the ranch where Logan works or from our local natural beef company here in Fossil. This ensures that the tallow is of the highest quality, packed with vitamins, and free from the pesticides and hormones often found in conventionally raised cattle. Using tallow also supports our philosophy of using every part of an animal, minimizing waste and honoring the life that sustains us.

The Benefits of Tallow

Tallow is incredibly hydrating and contains nutrients that are beneficial for the skin, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, along with antioxidants. These properties make it an excellent base for our soaps and body butters, helping to nourish and repair the skin naturally.

How We Render Tallow

At Saddled & Sappy, we choose to dry render our tallow, a process we believe preserves the purity and nutrient value of the fat better than other methods. Dry rendering involves slowly heating chopped fat in a pot or oven until it melts down, allowing impurities to settle, and then straining the clear fat off. This method doesn’t involve water, which we find can dilute the robust qualities of the tallow.

Dry Rendering: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Source the Fat: We start with raw fat from grass-fed cattle, ensuring it’s fresh and high quality.
2. Chop the Fat: The fat is chopped into small pieces to increase the surface area for more efficient rendering.
3. Heat Slowly: We gently heat the fat in a heavy pot or in an oven set at a low temperature. This slow process ensures that the fat renders out without burning.
4. Strain and Store: Once the fat has melted and impurities have settled, we strain the liquid through a cheesecloth into clean containers. The result is pure, clean tallow.

Why Dry Rendering?

We prefer dry rendering because it provides a cleaner and purer end product. This method respects the integrity of the ingredients and aligns with our commitment to traditional methods that honor both the past and our sustainable ethos.

Join Us in Sustainable Practice

By integrating tallow into our products, we connect you not only to our tiny homestead but also to a tradition that respects the environment and the community. Each jar and bar from Saddled & Sappy carries a piece of Fossil’s spirit, crafted with care and respect for our shared world.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and for choosing products that support sustainable living and local communities. We are excited to continue sharing our practices, products, and the stories of our tiny homestead with you.
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